Tuesday, November 02, 2004

hurray!!!FINISH EXAM!!!


Physio exam finally over!!!! sooo happy...yet so worried. went to ONE Utama with Anna, Sook Theng, Chia Mein and Thomas. watches Terminal. Nice! haiyo...i dunno why..everything that is related to science makes me think of physio only.I go toilet, 'urine rushing wanna come out' i think of kidney regulation'. i think if the word' excitement' i think of 'heart and sympathetic activity' tried so hard to get it out of my mind..but it is just freaking me out!!

been reading comments for my block. never really thought tht people would even care reading about what i write and how i feel. guess i really have to be careful when i write. but, what i write is indeed what i feel. if i offend anyone, i hereby say i'm sorry. ok?ok!


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